1200 lines
36 KiB
1200 lines
36 KiB
<!-- 顶部导航栏 -->
<custom-nav-bar :left="false" leftText="" @leftClick="" :title="title || '田间'">
<template v-slot:left>
<view @click="$refs.landRef.open()">地块</view>
<template v-slot:right>
<view class="fixed">
<!-- <view align="right" class="icon iconfont icon-liebiao" @click="toList"></view> -->
<view align="right" class="icon iconfont icon-scan" @click="toQRCode"></view>
<!-- #ifdef H5 -->
<view align="right" class="icon iconfont icon-liebiao" @click="mqttshow = true"></view>
<!-- #endif -->
<u-popup :show="mqttshow" mode="top" @close="mqttshow = false" @open="">
<view style="margin-top: 50px;">
<button @click="mqttLink">mqttLink</button>
<button @click="mqttEnd">mqttEnd</button>
<button @click="mqttSubscribes">订阅(会自动订阅,一般不需要手动)</button>
<!-- 内容 -->
<view class="content">
<!-- 顶部搜索框 -->
<view class="header-section">
<view class="search">
<view class="search-l">
<uni-search-bar v-model="screenValue" @confirm="handleKeyup" @cancel="handleKeyup"
@clear="handleKeyup" cancelButton="none" />
<view class="search-r">
<u-checkbox-group placement="row">
<u-checkbox :checked="dc.forward" :label="`工作(${dc.screen.watering})`" labelColor="#ffffff"
@change="forwardChange" />
<view class="content-section">
<view class="grey-box normal">
<u-grid :border="false" col="4">
<u-grid-item :class="dc.screenKey == 'all' ? 'click':''" @click="valveStateScreen('all')">
<view class="iconfont icon-threshold"></view>
<u-badge numberType="overflow" type="success" max="999" :value="dc.screen.all" />
<text class="text">总设备</text>
<u-grid-item :class="dc.screenKey == 'online' ? 'click':''" @click="valveStateScreen('online')">
<view class="iconfont icon-jizhan"></view>
<u-badge numberType="overflow" type="success" max="999" :value="dc.screen.online" />
<text class="text">在线设备</text>
<u-grid-item :class="dc.screenKey == 'error' ? 'click':''" @click="valveStateScreen('error')">
<view class="iconfont icon-guzhang"></view>
<u-badge numberType="overflow" type="success" max="999" :value="dc.screen.error" />
<text class="text">异常设备</text>
<u-grid-item @click="openDialog('mp')">
<view class="iconfont icon-shangqing"></view>
<u-badge numberType="overflow" type="success" max="999" />
<text class="text">土壤墒情</text>
<!-- 统计吸顶效果 -->
<view class="grey-box ceiling" :style="[isSticky ? '':'display: none;','opacity: 0;']">
<u-grid :border="false" col="4">
<u-grid-item :class="dc.screenKey == 'all' ? 'click':''" @click="valveStateScreen('all')">
<view class="flex">
<view class="iconfont icon-threshold"></view>
<u-badge numberType="overflow" type="success" max="999" :value="dc.screen.all" />
<u-grid-item :class="dc.screenKey == 'online' ? 'click':''" @click="valveStateScreen('online')">
<view class="flex">
<view class="iconfont icon-jizhan"></view>
<u-badge numberType="overflow" type="success" max="999" :value="dc.screen.online" />
<u-grid-item :class="dc.screenKey == 'error' ? 'click':''" @click="valveStateScreen('error')">
<view class="flex">
<view class="iconfont icon-guzhang"></view>
<u-badge numberType="overflow" type="success" max="999" :value="dc.screen.error" />
<u-grid-item @click="openDialog('mp')">
<view class="flex">
<view class="iconfont icon-shangqing"></view>
<u-badge numberType="overflow" type="success" max="999" />
<!-- 列表 -->
<view class="grey-box" style="border-radius: 0 0 15px 15px;">
<!-- 基站 -->
<view class="card">
<uni-collapse ref="collapseStationRef" v-if="dc.wo.length">
<uni-collapse-item title-border="none" :show-animation="true" :show-arrow="false">
<template v-slot:title>
<view class="jz-title fixed">
<view style="width:30%;">
<view class="iconfont icon-plume icon" style="float: left;"></view>
<view class="fixed" style="width:calc(100% - 30%); justify-content: flex-end;">
<view class="iconfont icon-xh icon" style="float: left;"
:class="[ mqttConnected ? 'font-green':'font-red' ]">
<view @click.stop="refreshAll" style="margin-left: 5px;">
<u-button type="success" size="small" text="一键刷新"
:disabled="refreshAllDisabled" />
<view @click.stop="batchControl" style="margin-left: 5px;"
<u-button type="success" size="small" text="批量控制" />
<view class="u-collapse-content">
<u-row v-for="item in dc.stations">
<u-col span="3">
<view class="fixed" @click="stationLeftClickCode(item)">
:class="[dc.dataObj[item.deviceCode]?.online ? 'font-green':'font-red']">●</text>
<view>{{ item.deviceCode }}</view>
<u-col span="4" style="align-items: center;">
<view class="fixed">
<custom-signal :online="dc.dataObj[item.deviceCode]?.online"
:value="dc.dataObj[item.deviceCode]?.rssi" />
<custom-battery :online="dc.dataObj[item.deviceCode]?.online"
:value="dc.dataObj[item.deviceCode]?.b" />
<u-col span="5">
<view class="fixed">
<u-button type="success" size="mini" text="刷新" icon="reload"
@click="dc.refreshDeviceItem(item.deviceCode, item)" />
<!-- 阀门列表 -->
<view class="card" style="margin-bottom: 0;">
<uni-collapse ref="collapseRef" v-if="dc.wo.length">
<uni-collapse-item class="collapseItem" title-border="auto" :show-animation="true"
:show-arrow="false" v-for="(item,index) in dc.wo" :open="woloaded && woloaded[index].open"
v-show="(dc.forward && item.isOpened) || ( !dc.forward && !item.isHidden)">
<template v-slot:title>
<view class="sf-title fixed" @click.stop="handleCollapseClick(index)">
<view class="iconfont icon-diefa icon"></view>
<view class="text" style="min-width: 25px;">
{{ item.showName || item.branchCanalCode }}
<view style="margin:0 10px;">出水口数量</view>
<u-badge numberType="overflow" type="info" showZero max="999"
:value="item.children ? item.children.length:0" />
<view class="u-collapse-content" v-if="woloaded && woloaded[index].loaded">
<!-- 蝶阀 -->
<u-row v-if="item.device && item.device.deviceTypeKey == 'butterflyValve'">
<u-col span="2">
<view class="fixed" @click="openDialog('adc', item)">
:class="[dc.dataObj[item.dataKey]?.online ? 'font-green':'font-red']">●</text>
{{ item.showName }}
<u-col span="5" style="padding-left: 7px;">
<custom-battery :online="dc.dataObj[item.dataKey]?.online"
:value="dc.dataObj[item.dataKey]?.b" />
<u-col span="5" style="align-items: flex-end;">
<view style="display: flex;" v-if="dc.dataObj[item.dataKey]">
<u-button :disabled="item.device.disable?.close"
:type="dc.getBtnType(item.dataKey, 'close')"
@click="dc.deviceControlHandle(item, 0)"> 关
<span v-if="dc.dataObj[item.dataKey].btnObj.close.work">
<span v-if="dc.countdownObj[item.dataKey]">
({{ dc.countdownObj[item.dataKey] }})
<span v-else class="timeout">
{{ dc.timeoutObj[item.dataKey] }}
<u-button :disabled="item.device.disable?.open"
:type="dc.getBtnType(item.dataKey, 'open')"
@click="dc.deviceControlHandle(item, 1)"> 开
<span v-if="dc.dataObj[item.dataKey].btnObj.open.work">
<span v-if="dc.countdownObj[item.dataKey]">
({{ dc.countdownObj[item.dataKey] }})
<span v-else class="timeout">
{{ dc.timeoutObj[item.dataKey] }}
<!-- 阀门 -->
<view v-for="child in item.children">
<view v-show="(dc.forward && child.isOpened) || ( !dc.forward && !child.isHidden)">
<view v-if="child.id && child.device" class="card-grey">
<view class="card-title">
<u-col span="2">
<view @click="openDialog('adc', child)">
:class="[dc.dataObj[child.dataKey]?.online ? 'font-green':'font-red']">●</text>
{{ child.showName }}
<u-col span="6">
<view class="fixed">
<custom-signal :online="dc.dataObj[child.dataKey]?.online"
v-if="dc.dataObj[child.dataKey]?.comm.type == '4g'" />
<custom-battery :online="dc.dataObj[child.dataKey]?.online"
:value="dc.dataObj[child.dataKey]?.adc.b" />
<view class="iconfont icon-wendu icon"
style="float: left;margin-left: 5px;" />
{{ dc.dataObj[child.dataKey]?.adc.t}}
<u-col span="4" style="align-items: flex-end;">
<view class="fixed">
<u-button type="success" size="mini" text="刷新" icon="reload"
@click="dc.refreshDeviceItem(child.dataKey, child.device)" />
<view class="control" v-if="dc.dataObj[child.dataKey]">
<view class="icon iconfont icon-tubiao"></view>
<u-row v-if="child.device.deviceTypeKey == 'valve'">
<u-col span="3" style="margin-top: -10px;">
<u-button :disabled="child.device.disable?.open1"
:type="dc.getBtnType(child.dataKey, 'open1')"
@click="dc.deviceControlHandle(child, 1)"> ①
<span v-if="dc.dataObj[child.dataKey].btnObj.open1.work">
<span v-if="dc.countdownObj[child.dataKey]">
({{ dc.countdownObj[child.dataKey] }})
<span v-else class="timeout">
{{ dc.timeoutObj[child.dataKey] }}
<span class="name"
v-if="child.device.disable.show && !child.device.disable.open1">
<u-line-progress height="8" :showText="false"
activeColor="#74ffd4" inactiveColor="#c7c7c7" />
<u-col span="6">
<view class="valve">
<u-button :disabled="child.device.disable?.open"
:type="dc.getBtnType(child.dataKey, 'open')"
@click="dc.deviceControlHandle(child, 3)"> 全开
<span v-if="dc.countdownObj[child.dataKey]">
({{ dc.countdownObj[child.dataKey] }})
<span v-else class="timeout">
{{ dc.timeoutObj[child.dataKey] }}
<span class="name"
v-if="child.device.disable.show && !child.device.disable.open">
<view class="btn-img">
<view class="text">
<view class="left">
{{ dc.dataObj[child.dataKey].adc.p[0] }}
<view class="top"></view>
<view class="middle"
<view class="right">
{{ dc.dataObj[child.dataKey].adc.p[1] }}
<view class="bottom"></view>
mode="widthFix" />
<u-button :disabled="child.device.disable?.close"
:type="dc.getBtnType(child.dataKey, 'close')"
@click="dc.deviceControlHandle(child, 4)"> 全关
<span v-if="dc.countdownObj[child.dataKey]">
({{ dc.countdownObj[child.dataKey] }})
<span v-else class="timeout">
{{ dc.timeoutObj[child.dataKey] }}
<span class="name"
v-if="child.device.disable.show && !child.device.disable.close">
<u-col span="3" style="margin-top: -10px;">
<u-button :disabled="child.device.disable?.open2"
:type="dc.getBtnType(child.dataKey, 'open2')"
@click="dc.deviceControlHandle(child, 2)"> ②
<span v-if="dc.dataObj[child.dataKey].btnObj.open2.work">
<span v-if="dc.countdownObj[child.dataKey]">
({{ dc.countdownObj[child.dataKey] }})
<span v-else class="timeout">
{{ dc.timeoutObj[child.dataKey] }}
<span class="name"
v-if="child.device.disable.show && !child.device.disable.open2">
<u-line-progress height="8" :showText="false"
activeColor="#74ffd4" inactiveColor="#c7c7c7" />
<u-row v-else-if="child.device.deviceTypeKey == 'fiveValve'">
<u-col span="3" style="margin-top: 10px;">
<u-button :disabled="child.device.disable?.open1"
:type="dc.getBtnType(child.dataKey, 'open1')"
@click="dc.deviceControlHandle(child, 1)"> ①
<span v-if="dc.dataObj[child.dataKey].btnObj.open1.work">
<span v-if="dc.countdownObj[`${child.dataKey}_open1`]">
({{ dc.countdownObj[`${child.dataKey}_open1`] }})
<span v-else class="timeout">
{{ dc.timeoutObj[`${child.dataKey}_open1`] }}
<span class="name"
v-if="child.device.disable.show && !child.device.disable.open1">
<u-line-progress height="8" :showText="false"
activeColor="#74ffd4" inactiveColor="#c7c7c7" />
<u-col span="6">
<view class="valve">
<view style="display: flow-root;">
<u-button :disabled="child.device.disable?.open2"
:type="dc.getBtnType(child.dataKey, 'open2')"
@click="dc.deviceControlHandle(child, 2)"> ②
({{ dc.countdownObj[`${child.dataKey}_open2`] }})
<span v-else class="timeout">
{{ dc.timeoutObj[`${child.dataKey}_open2`] }}
<span class="name"
v-if="child.device.disable.show && !child.device.disable.open2">
<u-line-progress height="8" :showText="false"
activeColor="#74ffd4" inactiveColor="#c7c7c7" />
<view class="btn-img">
<view class="text5">
<view class="left">
{{ dc.dataObj[child.dataKey].adc.p[0] }}
<view class="top">
{{ dc.dataObj[child.dataKey].adc.p[1] }}
<view class="middle"
<view class="right">
{{ dc.dataObj[child.dataKey].adc.p[2] }}
<view class="bottom">
{{ dc.dataObj[child.dataKey].adc.p[3] }}
mode="widthFix" />
<view style="display: flow-root;">
<u-button :disabled="child.device.disable?.open4"
:type="dc.getBtnType(child.dataKey, 'open4')"
@click="dc.deviceControlHandle(child, 4)"> ④
({{ dc.countdownObj[`${child.dataKey}_open4`] }})
<span v-else class="timeout">
{{ dc.timeoutObj[`${child.dataKey}_open4`] }}
<span class="name"
v-if="child.device.disable.show && !child.device.disable.open4">
<u-line-progress height="8" :showText="false"
activeColor="#74ffd4" inactiveColor="#c7c7c7" />
<u-col span="3" style="margin-top: 10px;">
<u-button :disabled="child.device.disable?.open3"
:type="dc.getBtnType(child.dataKey, 'open3')"
@click="dc.deviceControlHandle(child, 3)"> ③
<span v-if="dc.dataObj[child.dataKey].btnObj.open3.work">
<span v-if="dc.countdownObj[`${child.dataKey}_open3`]">
({{ dc.countdownObj[`${child.dataKey}_open3`] }})
<span v-else class="timeout">
{{ dc.timeoutObj[`${child.dataKey}_open3`] }}
<span class="name"
v-if="child.device.disable.show && !child.device.disable.open3">
<u-line-progress height="8" :showText="false"
activeColor="#74ffd4" inactiveColor="#c7c7c7" />
<u-row v-else>
<view class="tips font-red"
v-if="dc.dataObj[child.dataKey].warning && dc.dataObj[child.dataKey].warning.length">
<view class="iconfont icon-guzhang icon">
{{ dc.dataObj[child.dataKey].warning.toString() }}
<!-- 无数据上报 -->
<view class="control" v-else>
v-if="child.device.deviceTypeKey == 'valve' || child.device.deviceTypeKey == 'fiveValve'">
<u-col span="3"></u-col>
<u-col span="6">
<view class="valve">
<view class="btn-img">
<view class="text">
<view class="middle" style="width: 100%;">
<image mode="widthFix"
v-if="child.device.deviceTypeKey == 'valve'"
:src="valveImg['valve3_close']" />
<image mode="widthFix"
v-if="child.device.deviceTypeKey == 'fiveValve'"
:src="valveImg['valve5_0000']" />
<u-col span="3"></u-col>
<u-row v-else>
<view v-else class="card-grey">
{{ child.showName }}
<u-empty mode="data" style="height: 50vh;" v-else />
<!-- 地块选择 -->
<custom-select-land ref="landRef" :data="ijs.companys" :defaultSelect="ijs.land" @getLand="" @select="" />
<!-- 角度 -->
<custom-angle-slider ref="refAngleSlider" mode="bottom" @close="" @confirm="swiperConfirm" />
<!-- ADC -->
<custom-index-adc ref="adcRef" />
<!-- 墒情 -->
<custom-index-mp ref="mpRef" />
<custom-app-update ref="appUpdate" />
import store from "@/store"
import * as imageAssets from '@/utils/indexUtil/imageAssets.js'
export default {
data() {
return {
user: store.state.user.user,
title: null,
ijs: getApp().ijs, // 首页公共js
dc: getApp().dc, // 设备控制公共代码
valveImg: imageAssets, //阀门图片
mqttshow: false, // h5端手动链接mqtt按钮显示
mqttConnected: false, // mqtt链接状态
screenValue: "", // 关键字搜索
isSticky: false, //吸顶状态
refreshAllDisabled: false, //一键刷新状态
stateScreen: { // 吸顶筛选选中的项 值为 click
all: null,
online: null,
error: null
collapse: [], // 折叠面板打开的item
woloaded: null, //已经加载过的wo数据
onReady() {
// 初始化数据,只在此处使用,别的页面不需要这样做
getApp().ijs.initData(this.user.userId, (land, wo) => {
getApp().getWoList(land, wo);
onLoad() {
const that = this;
getApp().on("mqtt", "mqtt_index", function(e) {
if (e.type == "state") {
that.mqttConnected = e.connected;
} else if (e.type == "msg") {}
getApp().on("land", "land_index", function(e) {
if (e.type == "wo") {
that.title = that.ijs?.land?.landName || null;
that.$nextTick(() => {
setTimeout(() => {
}, 500)
} else if (e.type == "add") {
that.$refs.landRef.addLand(e.data.item, e.data.lands);
} else {}
mounted() {
// this.$refs.appUpdate.show();
onShow() {
this.title = this.ijs?.land?.landName || "田间";
// 监听控制角度弹窗通知
uni.$on("open-angle-slider", (e) => {
this.$refs.refAngleSlider.show(e.title, e.extra, e.value, e.other);
onHide() {
onPageScroll(e) { // 页面滚动触发事件的处理函数
// console.log(e.scrollTop); // 输出滚动位置的垂直距离
if (e.scrollTop >= 75) {
this.isSticky = true;
} else {
this.isSticky = false;
methods: {
mqttLink() {
mqttEnd() {
mqttSubscribes() {
// 去扫码
async toQRCode() {
this.$VerifyPermissions("CAMERA", "扫描设备二维码,查看设备信息").then(res => {
var mpaasScanModule = uni.requireNativePlugin("Mpaas-Scan-Module")
// 扫码识别类型,参数可多选,qrCode、barCode,不设置,默认识别所有
'scanType': ['qrCode', 'barCode'],
// 是否隐藏相册,默认false不隐藏
'hideAlbum': false,
//ios需要设置这个参数,只支持中英文 zh-Hans、en,默认中文
'language': 'en',
'failedMsg': '未识别到二维码,请重试',
'screenType': 'full'
}, (ret) => {
console.error("ret:", ret);
if (ret.resp_code == 1000) {
const deviceCode = ret.resp_result;
// showModal.value = true
// 基站adc
stationLeftClickCode(item) {
this.$refs.adcRef.show(1, item, this.dc.dataObj[item.deviceCode]);
// 一键刷新
refreshAll() {
this.refreshAllDisabled = true;
setTimeout(() => {
this.refreshAllDisabled = false;
}, 60 * 1000)
this.ijs.refreshAll().then(res => {
// 批量控制
batchControl() {
url: '/pages/batch-control/index'
// 打开弹窗
async openDialog(key, row = null) {
switch (key) {
// case "chart": //曲线
// this.$refs.adcChartRef.show(row);
// break;
// case "wo":
// this.$refs.woRemarkRef.show(row);
// break;
// case "wh": //浇灌履历
// this.$refs.wateringHistoryRef.show(this.land, row);
// break;
// case "log": //日志
// this.$refs.deviceLogRef.show(this.land, row);
// break;
case "mp": //墒情
case "adc": //设备adc
this.$refs.adcRef.show(2, row, this.dc.dataObj[row.dataKey]);
// 顶部关键字搜索
handleKeyup(e) {
this.$nextTick(() => {
setTimeout(() => {
}, 500)
// 工作状态筛选
forwardChange(e) {
this.screenValue = "";
// 阀门状态筛选
valveStateScreen(type) {
this.screenValue = "";
if (this.dc.screenKey == type) {
type = "";
this.$nextTick(() => {
setTimeout(() => {
}, 500)
// 角度控制回调
swiperConfirm(e) {
this.dc.buildCommand(e.item, e.index, e.value, e.other);
// 折叠面板点击
handleCollapseClick(index) {
if (!this.woloaded) {
let woloaded = {};
this.dc.wo.forEach((_item, _index) => {
let time = 10;
if (_item.children && _item.children.length) {
time = _item.children.length * 10
woloaded[_index] = {
loaded: false,
open: false,
time: time
this.woloaded = woloaded;
// 关闭面板
if (this.woloaded[index].open) {
this.woloaded[index].open = false;
if (!this.woloaded[index].loaded) {
mask: true
this.woloaded[index].loaded = true;
this.woloaded[index].open = true;
this.$nextTick(() => {
setTimeout(() => {
}, this.woloaded[index].time)
// 折叠面板跳转指定位置
scrollToCollapseItem(index) {
const query = uni.createSelectorQuery().in(this);
.boundingClientRect((data) => {
let offsetTop = 110;
data.every((_item, _index) => {
if (index == 0) {
return false; // 跳出循环
} else {
offsetTop = offsetTop + Math.ceil(_item.height);
if (_index == index) {
offsetTop = offsetTop - 50;
return false; // 跳出循环
return true; // 继续下一次迭代
scrollTop: offsetTop,
duration: 50 // 滚动动画持续时间
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