2024-11-25 11:48:03 +08:00

853 lines
22 KiB
Raw Blame History

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<!-- 顶部导航栏 -->
<custom-nav-bar :left="false" leftText="" @leftClick=""
title="indexData.selectItem ? indexData.selectItem.name:'田间'">
<template v-slot:left>
<view @click="openLand">地块</view>
<template v-slot:right>
<view class="fixed">
<view align="right" class="icon iconfont icon-liebiao" @click="toList"></view>
<view align="right" class="icon iconfont icon-scan" @click="toQRCode"></view>
<!-- 内容 -->
<view class="content">
<!-- 顶部搜索框 -->
<view class="header-section">
<u-row justify="space-between" gutter="10">
<u-col span="8">
<u-search shape="square" :animation="true" :showAction="false"></u-search>
<u-col span="4">
<view class="demo-layout bg-purple-light">
<u-checkbox-group placement="row">
<u-checkbox :checked="false" label="工作(256)" labelColor="#ffffff"></u-checkbox>
<view class="content-section">
<!-- 统计吸顶效果 -->
<view v-if="isSticky" class="grey-box ceiling"
:style="[isSticky ? 'position: sticky;':'','z-index: 10','top: 50px']">
<u-grid :border="false" col="4">
<u-grid-item class="click">
<view class="flex">
<view class="iconfont icon-threshold"></view>
<u-badge numberType="overflow" type="success" max="999" value="155"></u-badge>
<view class="flex">
<view class="iconfont icon-jizhan"></view>
<u-badge numberType="overflow" type="success" max="999" value="15"></u-badge>
<view class="flex">
<view class="iconfont icon-lixian"></view>
<u-badge numberType="overflow" type="success" max="999" value="15"></u-badge>
<view class="flex">
<view class="iconfont icon-shangqing"></view>
<u-badge numberType="overflow" type="success" max="999" value="15"></u-badge>
<view v-else class="grey-box normal">
<u-grid :border="false" col="4">
<u-grid-item class="click">
<view class="iconfont icon-threshold"></view>
<u-badge numberType="overflow" type="success" max="999" value="155"></u-badge>
<text class="text">总设备</text>
<view class="iconfont icon-jizhan"></view>
<u-badge numberType="overflow" type="success" max="999" value="15"></u-badge>
<text class="text">在线设备</text>
<view class="iconfont icon-lixian"></view>
<u-badge numberType="overflow" type="success" max="999" value="15"></u-badge>
<text class="text">离线设备</text>
<view class="iconfont icon-shangqing"></view>
<u-badge numberType="overflow" type="success" max="999" value="15"></u-badge>
<text class="text">土壤墒情</text>
<!-- 列表 -->
<view class="grey-box" style="border-radius: 0 0 15px 15px;">
<!-- 基站 -->
<view class="card">
<u-collapse accordion>
<template #title>
<view class="jz-title fixed">
<view style="width:30%;">
<view class="iconfont icon-plume icon"></view>
<view class="fixed" style="width:calc(100% - 30%); justify-content: flex-end;">
<view class="iconfont icon-xh icon"
:class="[ mqtt.connected ? 'font-green':'font-red' ]">
<view @click.stop="">
<u-button type="success" size="small" text="一键刷新" />
<view @click.stop="">
<u-button type="success" size="small" text="批量控制" />
<view class="u-collapse-content">
<u-row v-for="item in dc.stations">
<u-col span="3">
<view class="fixed">
<text :class="[item.online ? 'font-green':'font-red']">●</text>
<view>{{ item.deviceCode }}</view>
<u-col span="4" style="align-items: center;">
<view class="fixed">
<!-- <view class="signal" v-if="item.signalValue > 110"> -->
<view class="signal" v-if="item.signalValue > 0">
<view v-for="(_,i) in 4"
:class="['bar',item.signalValue > (8 * i) ? 'green':'']"></view>
<view :class="['bar',item.signalValue > 30 ? 'green':'']"></view>
<view class="signal" v-else>
<view class="bar" v-for="i in 5"></view>
<view class="bar-no">
<u-icon name="close"></u-icon>
<text>({{ item.signalValue }})</text>
<view class="battery-container">
<text>{{ item.currentBatteryCapacity }} </text>
<view class="battery-level"
:style="[`width:${item.currentBatteryCapacity}%`]" />
<u-col span="5">
<view class="fixed">
<u-button type="success" size="mini" text="手持基站"></u-button>
<u-button type="success" size="mini" text="刷新" icon="reload"></u-button>
<button @click="mqttLink">mqttLink</button>
<button @click="mqttEnd">mqttEnd</button>
<button @click="mqttSubscribes">订阅</button>
<!-- 阀门列表 -->
<view class="card">
<u-collapse accordion>
<u-collapse-item v-for="item in dc.valves">
<template #title>
<view class="sf-title fixed">
<view class="iconfont icon-diefa icon"></view>
<view class="text">{{ item.rowKey }}</view>
<view style="margin:0 10px;">出水口数量</view>
<u-badge numberType="overflow" type="info" showZero max="999"
:value="item.children.length" />
<view class="u-collapse-content">
<!-- 蝶阀 -->
<u-row v-if="item.deviceId">
<u-col span="4">
<view class="fixed">
:class="[item.device.custom.online ? 'font-green':'font-red']">●</text>
{{ item.rowKey }}
<u-col span="5">
<view class="battery-container">
<text>{{ item.device.custom.battery.value }}</text>
<view class="battery-level"
:style="[`width:${item.device.custom.battery.value}%`]" />
<u-col span="3" style="align-items: flex-end;">
<u-switch v-model="value" @change="flapValveChange" size="20"
<!-- 阀门 -->
<view v-for="item2 in item.children">
<view v-if="item2.deviceId" class="card-grey">
<view class="card-title">
<u-col span="2">
:class="[item2.device.custom.online ? 'font-green':'font-red']">●</text>
{{ item2.rowKey }}
<u-col span="5">
<view class="fixed">
<view class="battery-container">
<text>{{ item2.device.custom.battery.value }}</text>
<view class="battery-level"
:style="[`width:${item2.device.custom.battery.value}%`]" />
<view class="iconfont icon-wendu icon" />
{{ item2.device.custom.t }}
<u-col span="5" style="align-items: flex-end;">
<view class="fixed">
<u-button type="success" size="mini" text="刷新"
<view class="control">
<!-- 三通阀 -->
v-if="item2.device.deviceTypeId == 2 || item2.device.deviceTypeId == 3">
<u-col span="3" style=" align-items: flex-end;"
<view class="buttons">
<view class="btn v-btn fixed active ">
<text class="load-text">(999)</text>
<text class="load-text"
v-if="!item2.device.custom.btnPreload && item2.device.custom.btnState.closeAll.loading && item2.device.custom.ct.endS >= 0"
:class="item2.device.custom.ct.endS > 0 ? '' : 'loading-time-red'">
{{ item2.device.custom.ct.endS > 0 ? `(${item2.device.custom.ct.endS})` : "超时" }}
<view v-if="!item2.device.custom.btnControllable.open1"
class="iconfont icon-suoding icon">
<u-line-progress height="8" :showText="false" :percentage="60"
activeColor="#74ffd4" inactiveColor="#c7c7c7"
style="width: 75px;margin-top: 5px;">
<u-col span="6">
<view class="valve">
<view class="btn v-btn2 fixed">
<text class="load-text">(超时)</text>
class="iconfont icon-suoding icon">
<view class="btn-img">
<view class="text">
<view class="left">{{ item2.device.custom.p1 }}</view>
<view class="top"></view>
<view class="middle"
{{ item2.device.custom.showMask.text }}
<view class="right">{{ item2.device.custom.p2 }}</view>
<view class="bottom"></view>
<image :src="item2.device.custom.showImg" mode="widthFix" />
<view class="btn v-btn2 fixed">
<text class="load-text">(超时)</text>
class="iconfont icon-suoding icon">
<u-col span="3">
<view class="buttons">
<view class="btn v-btn fixed activeing">
<text class="load-text">(超时)</text>
<view v-if="!item2.device.custom.btnControllable.open2"
class="iconfont icon-suoding icon">
<!-- 五通阀 -->
<u-row v-if="item2.device.deviceTypeId == 13">
<u-col span="3" style=" align-items: flex-end;">
<view class="buttons">
<view class="btn v-btn fixed active">
<text class="load-text">(超时)</text>
<view v-if="!item2.device.custom.btnControllable.open1"
class="iconfont icon-suoding icon">
<u-col span="6">
<view class="valve">
<view class="btn v-btn fixed">
<text class="load-text">(超时)</text>
<view v-if="!item2.device.custom.btnControllable.open2"
class="iconfont icon-suoding icon">
<view class="btn-img">
<view class="text5">
<view class="left">{{ item2.device.custom.p[0] }}</view>
<view class="top">{{ item2.device.custom.p[1] }}</view>
<view class="middle"
{{ item2.device.custom.showMask.text }}
<view class="right">{{ item2.device.custom.p[2] }}
<view class="bottom">{{ item2.device.custom.p[3] }}
<image :src="item2.device.custom.showImg" mode="widthFix" />
<view class="btn v-btn fixed">
<text class="load-text">(超时)</text>
<view v-if="!item2.device.custom.btnControllable.open4"
class="iconfont icon-suoding icon">
<u-col span="3">
<view class="buttons">
<view class="btn v-btn fixed">
<text class="load-text">(超时)</text>
<view v-if="!item2.device.custom.btnControllable.open3"
class="iconfont icon-suoding icon">
<view class="font-red" v-if="item2.device.custom.showMask.show">
<view class="iconfont icon-guzhang icon">
<view v-else class="card-grey">
{{ item2.rowKey }}
<!-- 弹窗 -->
<!-- 地块选择 -->
<custom-select-land ref="refLand" @select="landChange"></custom-select-land>
<!-- 角度 -->
<custom-angle-slider ref="refAngleSlider" mode="bottom" @close="" @confirm="angleSliderConfirm" />
import store from "@/store"
export default {
data() {
return {
user: store.state.user.user,
isSticky: false, //吸顶状态
value: false,
indexData: getApp().indexData,
dc: getApp().dc,
mqtt: getApp().mqtt,
isLandChange: false,
onLoad() {
// uni.$emit("mqtt-link", this.user.userId);
// getApp().mqttLink(this.user.userId);
uni.$on("notify-update-land", (data) => {
console.error("index监听地块更新", data)
this.isLandChange = true;
onShow() {
// #ifdef APP-PLUS
// #endif
onPageScroll(e) { // 页面滚动触发事件的处理函数
// console.log(e.scrollTop); // 输出滚动位置的垂直距离
if (e.scrollTop >= 75) {
this.isSticky = true;
} else {
this.isSticky = false;
methods: {
mqttLink() {
mqttEnd() {
mqttSubscribes() {
console.error("mqtt", this.mqtt)
let topics = ["jsy/iot/push/1H8ngznmV50GzutYS8rIk01pd8", "jsy/iot/push/LgeJJLdwRRQUjLS5De6Ck01pd8"]
openLand() {
landChange(e) {
this.isLandChange = true;
getDevice() {
if (this.isLandChange) {
this.isLandChange = false;
flapValveChange(e) {
console.error('flapValveChange', e);
toList() {
url: `/pages/index-list`
toQRCode() {},
angleSliderShow() {
this.$refs.refAngleSlider.show("1-1", "①开", 10, {
// item: e.row,
// index: e.index,
angleSliderConfirm(e) {
console.error("angleSliderConfirm:", e);
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&>view {
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vertical-align: top;
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font-size: 44rpx;
color: #39ac4f;
// 信号
.signal {
position: relative;
display: flex;
align-items: flex-end;
height: 17px;
.bar {
width: 2px;
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background-color: #e60012;
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background-color: #ffa200;
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position: absolute;
left: -2px;
bottom: 3px;
::v-deep.u-icon__icon {
font-weight: bold;
font-size: 18rpx !important;
// 电池
.battery-container {
margin: 0 0 0 10px;
position: relative;
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line-height: 14px;
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border: 1px solid #333;
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content: "";
position: absolute;
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height: 12px;
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max-width: 90%;
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border-radius: 2px;
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