1522 lines
40 KiB
1522 lines
40 KiB
<!-- 顶部导航栏 -->
<custom-nav-bar :left="false" leftText="" @leftClick="" :title="title">
<template v-slot:left>
<view @click="$refs.landRef.open()">地块</view>
<!-- 地图 -->
<view id="map" class="map" :data="mapObj.initData" :change:data="leaflet.initEmitHandler" :mapType="mapObj.mapType"
:change:mapType="leaflet.switchLayerEmitHandler" :centerPoint="mapObj.centerPoint"
:change:centerPoint="leaflet.centerPointEmitHandler" :landMap="mapObj.landMap"
:change:landMap="leaflet.drawEmitHandler" :davice="mapObj.davice" :change:davice="leaflet.markerEmitHandler"
:updateMarker="mapObj.updateMarker" :change:updateMarker="leaflet.updateMarkerEmitHandler">
<!-- 工具 -->
<view class="below">
<view @click="mapObj.showMapType = true">
<i class="iconfont icon-tuceng">
<view @click="mapToCenterPoint">
<i class="iconfont icon-dingwei"></i>
<!-- 地块选择 -->
<custom-select-land ref="landRef" :data="ijs.companys" :defaultSelect="ijs.land" @getLand="getLand"
@select="landChange" />
<!-- 角度 -->
<custom-angle-slider ref="refAngleSlider" mode="bottom" @close="openPopup" @confirm="swiperConfirm" />
<!-- ADC -->
<custom-index-adc ref="adcRef" @close="openPopup" />
<!-- 控制弹出 -->
<u-popup mode="bottom" :show="pop.show" @close="closePopup">
<view class="popup-content" v-if="pop.show">
<view class="card-grey">
<view class="gb" @click="closePopup">
<i class="iconfont icon-guanbi"></i>
<view class="card-title">
<u-col span="2">
<view @click="openDialog('adc', pop.item)">
<text class="font-green">●</text>{{pop.item.showName}}
<u-col span="5">
<view class="fixed">
<custom-battery :online="dc.dataObj[pop.item.dataKey]?.online"
:value="dc.dataObj[pop.item.dataKey]?.adc.b" />
<view class="iconfont icon-wendu icon" style="float: left;margin-left: 5px;" />
{{ dc.dataObj[pop.item.dataKey]?.adc.t}}
<u-col span="5" style="align-items: flex-end;">
<view class="fixed">
<u-button type="success" size="mini" text="刷新" icon="reload"
@click="dc.refreshDeviceItem(pop.item.dataKey, pop.item.device)" />
<view class="control" v-if="dc.dataObj[pop.item.dataKey]">
<u-row v-if="pop.item.device.deviceTypeKey == 'valve'">
<u-col span="3">
<u-button :disabled="pop.item.device.disable?.open1"
:type="dc.getBtnType(pop.item.dataKey, 'open1')"
@click="dc.deviceControlHandle(pop.item, 1)"> ①
<span v-if="dc.dataObj[pop.item.dataKey].btnObj.open1.work">
<span v-if="dc.countdownObj[pop.item.dataKey]">
({{ dc.countdownObj[pop.item.dataKey] }})
<span v-else class="timeout">
{{ dc.timeoutObj[pop.item.dataKey] }}
<span class="name"
v-if="pop.item.device.disable.show && !pop.item.device.disable.open1">
<u-line-progress height="8" :showText="false"
:percentage="dc.dataObj[pop.item.dataKey].btnObj.open1.openAngle" activeColor="#74ffd4"
inactiveColor="#c7c7c7" />
<u-col span="6">
<view class="valve">
<u-button :disabled="pop.item.device.disable?.open"
:type="dc.getBtnType(pop.item.dataKey, 'open')"
@click="dc.deviceControlHandle(pop.item, 3)"> 全开
<span v-if="dc.dataObj[pop.item.dataKey].btnObj.open.work">
<span v-if="dc.countdownObj[pop.item.dataKey]">
({{ dc.countdownObj[pop.item.dataKey] }})
<span v-else class="timeout">
{{ dc.timeoutObj[pop.item.dataKey] }}
<span class="name"
v-if="pop.item.device.disable.show && !pop.item.device.disable.open">
<view class="btn-img">
<view class="text">
<view class="left">
{{ dc.dataObj[pop.item.dataKey].adc.p[0] }}
<view class="top"></view>
<view class="middle" v-show="!dc.dataObj[pop.item.dataKey].online">
<view class="right">
{{ dc.dataObj[pop.item.dataKey].adc.p[1] }}
<view class="bottom"></view>
<image :src="valveImg[dc.dataObj[pop.item.dataKey].valveImg]" mode="widthFix" />
<u-button :disabled="pop.item.device.disable?.close"
:type="dc.getBtnType(pop.item.dataKey, 'close')"
@click="dc.deviceControlHandle(pop.item, 4)"> 全关
<span v-if="dc.dataObj[pop.item.dataKey].btnObj.close.work">
<span v-if="dc.countdownObj[pop.item.dataKey]">
({{ dc.countdownObj[pop.item.dataKey] }})
<span v-else class="timeout">
{{ dc.timeoutObj[pop.item.dataKey] }}
<span class="name"
v-if="pop.item.device.disable.show && !pop.item.device.disable.close">
<u-col span="3">
<u-button :disabled="pop.item.device.disable?.open2"
:type="dc.getBtnType(pop.item.dataKey, 'open2')"
@click="dc.deviceControlHandle(pop.item, 2)"> ②
<span v-if="dc.dataObj[pop.item.dataKey].btnObj.open2.work">
<span v-if="dc.countdownObj[pop.item.dataKey]">
({{ dc.countdownObj[pop.item.dataKey] }})
<span v-else class="timeout">
{{ dc.timeoutObj[pop.item.dataKey] }}
<span class="name"
v-if="pop.item.device.disable.show && !pop.item.device.disable.open2">
<u-line-progress height="8" :showText="false"
:percentage="dc.dataObj[pop.item.dataKey].btnObj.open2.openAngle" activeColor="#74ffd4"
inactiveColor="#c7c7c7" />
<u-row v-else-if="pop.item.device.deviceTypeKey == 'fiveValve'">
<u-col span="3">
<u-button :disabled="pop.item.device.disable?.open1"
:type="dc.getBtnType(pop.item.dataKey, 'open1')"
@click="dc.deviceControlHandle(pop.item, 1)"> ①
<span v-if="dc.dataObj[pop.item.dataKey].btnObj.open1.work">
<span v-if="dc.countdownObj[`${pop.item.dataKey}_open1`]">
({{ dc.countdownObj[`${pop.item.dataKey}_open1`] }})
<span v-else class="timeout">
{{ dc.timeoutObj[`${pop.item.dataKey}_open1`] }}
<span class="name"
v-if="pop.item.device.disable.show && !pop.item.device.disable.open1">
<u-line-progress height="8" :showText="false"
:percentage="dc.dataObj[pop.item.dataKey].btnObj.open1.openAngle" activeColor="#74ffd4"
inactiveColor="#c7c7c7" />
<u-col span="6">
<view class="valve">
<u-button :disabled="pop.item.device.disable?.open2"
:type="dc.getBtnType(pop.item.dataKey, 'open2')"
@click="dc.deviceControlHandle(pop.item, 2)"> ②
<span v-if="dc.dataObj[pop.item.dataKey].btnObj.open2.work">
<span v-if="dc.countdownObj[`${pop.item.dataKey}_open2`]">
({{ dc.countdownObj[`${pop.item.dataKey}_open2`] }})
<span v-else class="timeout">
{{ dc.timeoutObj[`${pop.item.dataKey}_open2`] }}
<span class="name"
v-if="pop.item.device.disable.show && !pop.item.device.disable.open2">
<u-line-progress height="8" :showText="false"
activeColor="#74ffd4" inactiveColor="#c7c7c7" />
<view class="btn-img">
<view class="text5">
<view class="left">
{{ dc.dataObj[pop.item.dataKey].adc.p[0] }}
<view class="top">
{{ dc.dataObj[pop.item.dataKey].adc.p[1] }}
<view class="middle" v-show="!dc.dataObj[pop.item.dataKey].online">
<view class="right">
{{ dc.dataObj[pop.item.dataKey].adc.p[2] }}
<view class="bottom">
{{ dc.dataObj[pop.item.dataKey].adc.p[3] }}
<image :src="valveImg[dc.dataObj[pop.item.dataKey].valveImg]" mode="widthFix" />
<u-button :disabled="pop.item.device.disable?.open4"
:type="dc.getBtnType(pop.item.dataKey, 'open4')"
@click="dc.deviceControlHandle(pop.item, 4)"> ④
<span v-if="dc.dataObj[pop.item.dataKey].btnObj.open4.work">
<span v-if="dc.countdownObj[`${pop.item.dataKey}_open4`]">
({{ dc.countdownObj[`${pop.item.dataKey}_open4`] }})
<span v-else class="timeout">
{{ dc.timeoutObj[`${pop.item.dataKey}_open4`] }}
<span class="name"
v-if="pop.item.device.disable.show && !pop.item.device.disable.open4">
<u-line-progress height="8" :showText="false"
activeColor="#74ffd4" inactiveColor="#c7c7c7" />
<u-col span="3">
<u-button :disabled="pop.item.device.disable?.open3"
:type="dc.getBtnType(pop.item.dataKey, 'open3')"
@click="dc.deviceControlHandle(pop.item, 3)"> ③
<span v-if="dc.dataObj[pop.item.dataKey].btnObj.open3.work">
<span v-if="dc.countdownObj[`${pop.item.dataKey}_open3`]">
({{ dc.countdownObj[`${pop.item.dataKey}_open3`] }})
<span v-else class="timeout">
{{ dc.timeoutObj[`${pop.item.dataKey}_open3`] }}
<span class="name"
v-if="pop.item.device.disable.show && !pop.item.device.disable.open3">
<u-line-progress height="8" :showText="false"
:percentage="dc.dataObj[pop.item.dataKey].btnObj.open3.openAngle" activeColor="#74ffd4"
inactiveColor="#c7c7c7" />
<u-row v-else>
<view class="tips font-red"
v-if="dc.dataObj[pop.item.dataKey].warning && dc.dataObj[pop.item.dataKey].warning.length">
<view class="iconfont icon-guzhang icon">
{{ dc.dataObj[pop.item.dataKey].warning.toString() }}
<!-- 无数据上报 -->
<view class="control" v-else>
v-if="pop.item.device.deviceTypeKey == 'valve' || pop.item.device.deviceTypeKey == 'fiveValve'">
<u-col span="3"></u-col>
<u-col span="6">
<view class="valve">
<view class="btn-img">
<view class="text">
<view class="middle" style="width: 100%;">
<image mode="widthFix" v-if="pop.item.device.deviceTypeKey == 'valve'"
:src="valveImg['valve3_close']" />
<image mode="widthFix" v-if="pop.item.device.deviceTypeKey == 'fiveValve'"
:src="valveImg['valve5_0000']" />
<u-col span="3"></u-col>
<u-row v-else>
<view class="expand5" @click="pop.showbox = !pop.showbox">
<view class="icon">
<view class="iconfont icon-jt-b"></view>
<view class="box" :class="[pop.showbox ? 'show':'hide']">
<view class="card">
<view class="title fixed">
<view class="text" style="min-width: 25px;">
<view>更多<span class="iconfont icon-you"></span></view>
<view class="tip">设备仅采集已打开的出水口水压</view>
<view class="pressure">
<view class="pressure">
<view class="card" style="overflow: hidden;">
<view class="title fixed">
<view class="text" style="min-width: 25px;">
<view @click="operationLog(pop.item)">
更多<span class="iconfont icon-you"></span>
<view class="text-list" v-if="dc.dataObj[pop.item.dataKey]"
v-for="item in dc.dataObj[pop.item.dataKey].latestOperation">
<view class="font-green">
{{item.operResult ? '【成功】' : '【失败】'}}
<!-- 图层弹出 -->
<u-popup type="center" :show="mapObj.showMapType" @close="mapObj.showMapType = false">
<view class="popup-content">
<view class="layer">
<view class="title" @click="mapObj.showMapType = false">
<i class="iconfont icon-guanbi"></i>
<view class="card">
<view class="layer-item" :class="[mapObj.mapType == 'vec_w'? 'click':'']">
<view class="img" @click="mapSwitchLayer('vec_w')">
<image src="../static/images/map/dt.jpg"></image>
<view class="layer-item" :class="[mapObj.mapType == 'ter_w'? 'click':'']">
<view class="img" @click="mapSwitchLayer('ter_w')">
<image src="../static/images/map/dx.jpg"></image>
<view class="layer-item" :class="[mapObj.mapType == 'img_w'? 'click':'']">
<view class="img" @click="mapSwitchLayer('img_w')">
<image src="../static/images/map/wx.jpg"></image>
import store from "@/store"
import {
} from '@/utils/common.js'
import * as imageAssets from '@/utils/indexUtil/imageAssets.js'
export default {
data() {
return {
user: store.state.user.user,
title: "",
ijs: getApp().ijs, // 首页公共js
dc: getApp().dc, // 设备控制公共代码
valveImg: imageAssets, //阀门图片
mqttshow: false, // h5端手动链接mqtt按钮显示
mqttConnected: false, // mqtt链接状态
mapObj: {
initData: null, // 地图初始化参数
landMap: null, //地图边界信息
davice: null, //设备 初始化一次后一般不动,因为会刷新整个地图
updateMarker: null, //更新设备 随外面的device一起更新
showMapType: false, //图层选择弹框
mapType: "img_w", //默认图层
centerPoint: 0, //用于中心点点击
pop: {
show: false,
showbox: false,
item: {}
onLoad() {
const that = this;
getApp().addMsgEvent("mqtt", "mqtt_map", function(e) {
if (e.type == "state") {
that.mqttConnected = e.connected;
} else if (e.type == "msg") {
getApp().addMsgEvent("land", "land_map", function(e) {
onShow() {
this.title = this.ijs?.land?.landName || "田间";
// 监听控制角度弹窗通知
uni.$on("open-angle-slider", (e) => {
console.error("打开角度选择:", e)
this.$refs.refAngleSlider.show(e.title, e.extra, e.value, e.other);
onHide() {
mounted() {
this.mapObj.initData = {
key: import.meta.env.VITE_APP_TIAN_DI_TU_KEY,
centerPoint: [87.624947, 43.791789], //默认乌鲁木齐
mapType: this.mapObj.mapType,
imgs: imageAssets,
methods: {
// 地块选择回调
landChange(e) {
this.title = e.landName;
// 获取地块信息
getLand(e) {
this.ijs.getLand(e.node).then(res => {
this.$refs.landRef.addLand(e, res.data);
mapOnload(e) {
if (!this.ijs.wo) {
const that = this;
that.mapObj.landMap = that.ijs.wo.landMap;
let device = {};
if (that.dc.stations.length) {
that.dc.stations.forEach(item => {
if (item.latitude && item.longitude) {
let obj = {
showName: item.deviceCode,
latlng: [item.latitude, item.longitude],
type: "station",
dataKey: item.deviceCode,
device: item,
online: false,
warning: false,
logParams: {
operSubject: item.deviceCode
if (that.dc.dataObj[item.deviceCode]) {
obj.online = that.dc.dataObj[item.deviceCode].online;
device[item.deviceCode] = obj;
// for (let key in that.dc.others) {}
if (that.dc.wo.length) {
that.dc.wo.forEach((item) => {
if (item.longitude && item.latitude) {
let obj = {
showName: item.showName,
latlng: [item.latitude, item.longitude],
type: item?.device?.deviceTypeKey,
dataKey: item.dataKey,
device: item.device,
online: false,
warning: false,
logParams: {
landId: item.landId,
wogId: item.id,
woId: -1,
if (that.dc.dataObj[item.dataKey]) {
obj.online = that.dc.dataObj[item.dataKey].online;
obj.warning = that.dc.dataObj[item.dataKey].warning.length > 0;
device[item.dataKey || item.showName] = obj;
if (item.children && item.children.length) {
item.children.forEach((child) => {
if (child.longitude && child.latitude) {
let obj = {
showName: child.showName,
latlng: [child.latitude, child.longitude],
type: child?.device?.deviceTypeKey,
dataKey: child.dataKey,
device: child.device,
online: false,
warning: false,
logParams: {
landId: child.landId,
wogId: child.landGroupId,
woId: child.id,
if (that.dc.dataObj[child.dataKey]) {
obj.online = that.dc.dataObj[child.dataKey].online;
obj.warning = that.dc.dataObj[child.dataKey].warning.length > 0;
device[child.dataKey || child.showName] = obj;
if (that.dc.valves.length) {
that.dc.valves.forEach(item => {
if (item.latitude && item.longitude) {
let obj = {
type: item.deviceTypeKey,
showName: item.deviceCode,
dataKey: item.deviceCode,
latlng: [item.latitude, item.longitude],
state: null,
logParams: {
landId: item.landId,
operSubject: item.deviceCode
if (that.dc.dataObj[item.deviceCode]) {
obj.state = {
online: that.dc.dataObj[item.deviceCode].online,
warning: that.dc.dataObj[item.deviceCode].warning.length > 0,
device[item.deviceCode] = obj;
that.mapObj.davice = device;
that.davice = device;
mapSwitchLayer(key) {
this.mapObj.showMapType = false;
this.mapObj.mapType = key;
mapToCenterPoint() {
mapUpdateMarker(e) {
if (!this.davice[e.deviceCode]) {
const obj = {
key: e.deviceCode,
online: e.online,
warning: e.warning.length > 0,
const item = this.davice[e.deviceCode];
if (item.online != obj.online || item.warning != obj.warning) {
this.mapObj.updateMarker = obj;
this.davice.online = obj.onlin;
this.davice.warning = obj.warning;
mapMarkerClickHandler(e) {
if (e.device) {
this.pop.showbox = false;
this.pop.item = e;
} else {
openPopup() {
this.pop.show = true;
closePopup() {
this.pop.show = false;
// 角度控制回调
swiperConfirm(e) {
this.dc.buildCommand(e.item, e.index, e.value, e.other);
// 打开弹窗
async openDialog(key, row = null) {
switch (key) {
// case "chart": //曲线
// this.$refs.adcChartRef.show(row);
// break;
// case "wo":
// this.$refs.woRemarkRef.show(row);
// break;
// case "wh": //浇灌履历
// this.$refs.wateringHistoryRef.show(this.land, row);
// break;
// case "log": //日志
// this.$refs.deviceLogRef.show(this.land, row);
// break;
case "mp": //墒情
case "adc": //设备adc
this.$refs.adcRef.show(2, row, this.dc.dataObj[row.dataKey]);
// 格式化日期
formatData(time) {
return timestampFormat(time);
operationLog(item) {
url: `/pages/work/operation-log/index?queryParams=${JSON.stringify(item.logParams)}`,
<script module="leaflet" lang="renderjs">
// #ifdef H5
import "leaflet/dist/leaflet.css"
// #endif
import L from "leaflet"
export default {
data() {
return {
map: null,
key: null,
centerPoint: null, //默认乌鲁木齐
mapType: null,
_selectMapType: null,
_imgs: null,
_device: null,
_markers: {},
mounted() {},
methods: {
initEmitHandler(e) {
if (!e) {
this.key = e.key;
this.centerPoint = {
lat: e.centerPoint[0],
lng: e.centerPoint[1],
this._selectMapType = e.mapType;
this._imgs = e.imgs;
switchLayerEmitHandler(e) {
if (!e) {
centerPointEmitHandler(e) {
if (!e) {
drawEmitHandler(e) {
if (!e) {
markerEmitHandler(e) {
if (!e) {
// 更新设备
updateMarkerEmitHandler(e) {
if (!e) {
initMap() {
if (this.map) {
const that = this;
that.mapType = {
vec_w: new L.tileLayer(
`http://t0.tianditu.com/DataServer?T=vec_w&x={x}&y={y}&l={z}&tk=${that.key}`, {
attribution: '矢量地图'
img_w: new L.tileLayer(
`http://t0.tianditu.com/DataServer?T=img_w&x={x}&y={y}&l={z}&tk=${that.key}`, {
attribution: '影像地图'
ter_w: new L.tileLayer(
`http://t0.tianditu.com/DataServer?T=ter_w&x={x}&y={y}&l={z}&tk=${that.key}`, {
attribution: '地形图'
labelLayer: new L.tileLayer(
`http://t0.tianditu.gov.cn/cva_w/wmts?service=wmts&request=GetTile&version=1.0.0&LAYER=cva&tileMatrixSet=w&TileMatrix={z}&TileRow={y}&TileCol={x}&style=default&format=tiles&tk=${that.key}`, {
attribution: '矢量地名标注'
var normal = L.layerGroup([that.mapType[that._selectMapType], that.mapType.labelLayer])
const map = L.map('map', {
// crs: L.CRS.EPSG3857,
// center: [34.07148, 108.84076], //中心点
center: [that.centerPoint.lng, that.centerPoint.lat], //中心点
layers: normal,
zoom: 5, //默认层级
minZoom: 2, //最小层级
maxZoom: 18, //最大层级
zoomControl: false, //是否将 zoom 缩放控件添加到地图中。
doubleClickZoom: false, //图是否可以通过双击来放大
dragging: true, //地图是否可以通过 mouse/touch 进行拖动。
attributionControl: false, //是否将 attribution 版权控件添加到地图中。
tap: true // 确保此选项为 true 或者不指定,因为默认值是 true
// 如果需要监听缩放过程中的变化,可以使用 'zoom' 事件
map.on('zoom', function() {
// that.onZoomend();
that.map = map;
that.$ownerInstance.callMethod('mapOnload', "map初始化回调");
clearMap() {
const that = this;
var layers = that.map._layers;
var markersToRemove = [];
// 遍历所有图层并移除
for (var id in layers) {
if (!(layers[id] instanceof L.TileLayer)) { // 假设底图是由TileLayer提供的
// if (layers[id] instanceof L.Marker) { // 确保我们处理的是一个Leaflet图层
// markersToRemove.push(layers[id]);
// }
// 移除所有的 Marker
markersToRemove.forEach(function(marker) {
switchLayer(key) {
if (!this.map) {
const that = this;
// 移除当前所有图层
that.map.eachLayer(function(layer) {
if (layer instanceof L.TileLayer) {
// 添加新的图层
that._selectMapType = key;
toCenterPoint() {
var currentZoomLevel = this.map.getZoom();
const lng = this.centerPoint.lng;
const lat = this.centerPoint.lat;
if (currentZoomLevel > 10) {
this.map.setView([lng, lat], currentZoomLevel);
// this.map.panTo([lng, lat]);
// this.map.setZoom(18);
// this.map.flyTo([lng, lat], currentZoomLevel);
} else {
this.map.setZoomAround([lng, lat], 18);
this.map.flyTo([lng, lat], 18);
// 绘制地图
drawMap(landMap) {
if (!landMap) {
const {
centerPoint, //中心点
boundary, //边界(支持多个)
mainLine, //主干管
secondaryLine //支干管
} = landMap;
// 重新设置中心点
const cp = JSON.parse(centerPoint)
// this.map.setZoomAround([cp[1], cp[0]], 16)
// this.map.flyTo([cp[1], cp[0]], 16)
this.map.setView([cp[1], cp[0]], 18)
// 设置中心点
setCenterPoint(centerPoint) {
if (!centerPoint) {
// 重新设置中心点
centerPoint = JSON.parse(centerPoint)
// 重新设置中心点
this.centerPoint = {
lat: centerPoint[0],
lng: centerPoint[1],
// 设置边界
setBoundary(boundary) {
if (!boundary) {
// 重新设置中心点
boundary = JSON.parse(boundary)
if (boundary.length) {
let points = []
boundary.forEach((item) => {
points.push([item[1], item[0]])
var polygon = L.polygon(points, {
color: "blue"
// 设置主干管
setMainLine(mainLine) {
if (!mainLine) {
// 重新设置中心点
mainLine = JSON.parse(mainLine)
if (mainLine.length) {
mainLine.forEach((item1) => {
let points = []
item1.forEach((item2) => {
points.push([item2[1], item2[0]])
var line = L.polyline(points, {
color: '#ff0000',
// 设置主干管
setSecondaryLine(secondaryLine) {
if (!secondaryLine) {
// 重新设置中心点
secondaryLine = JSON.parse(secondaryLine)
if (secondaryLine.length) {
secondaryLine.forEach((item1) => {
let points = []
item1.forEach((item2) => {
points.push([item2[1], item2[0]])
var line = L.polyline(points, {
color: '#00ff00',
setDeviceMarker(device) {
const that = this;
let markers = {};
for (let key in device) {
let item = device[key];
// 创建标注
let marker = L.marker(item.latlng, {
icon: that.creatMapIcon(item.type)
marker.on('click', function(e) {
that.map.addLayer(marker) // 将标注添加到地图中
item["markerId"] = marker._leaflet_id;
// 创建文字
let label = L.marker(item.latlng, {
icon: that.creatLabel(item.showName, item.online, item.warning)
that.map.addLayer(label) // 将标注添加到地图中
item["labelId"] = label._leaflet_id;
markers[marker._leaflet_id] = {
item: item,
select: false,
marker: marker,
label: label,
that._device = device;
that._markers = markers;
// 生成阀门图标
creatMapIcon(type, select = false) {
// 获取当前地图的缩放级别
// const zoom = this.map.getZoom();
var icon = null;
switch (type) {
case 'station':
icon = L.icon({
iconUrl: `.${this._imgs.jz}`,
iconSize: [40, 40], //图标图像的尺寸,单位是像素。
iconAnchor: [20, 40],
case 'valve':
icon = L.icon({
iconUrl: `.${select ? this._imgs.valve3_select : this._imgs.valve3}`,
iconSize: [20, 34], //图标图像的尺寸,单位是像素。
case 'fiveValve':
icon = L.icon({
iconUrl: `.${select ? this._imgs.valve5_select : this._imgs.valve5}`,
iconSize: [20, 34], //图标图像的尺寸,单位是像素。
case 'butterflyValve':
icon = L.icon({
iconUrl: `.${select ? this._imgs.df_select : this._imgs.df}`,
iconSize: [20, 34], //图标图像的尺寸,单位是像素。
icon = L.icon({
iconUrl: `.${this._imgs.csk}`,
iconSize: [20, 30], //图标图像的尺寸,单位是像素。
// //图标 "tip" 的坐标(相对于其左上角)。图标将被对齐,使该点位于标记的地理位置。如果指定了尺寸,默认为居中,也可以在CSS中设置负的边距。
// iconAnchor: [7, 9],
// //弹出窗口(popup)的坐标,相对于图标锚点而言,将从该点打开。
// popupAnchor: [-3, -3],
return icon;
// 生成阀门文字
creatLabel(name = "", online, warning) {
let divIcon = L.divIcon({
html: `<span>${name}</span>`,
className: `my-device-icon ${this.getLableColor(online, warning)}`,
iconAnchor: [15, -10],
if (name.length <= 3) {
divIcon.options.iconAnchor = [15, -10]
} else if (name.length == 4 || name.length == 5) {
divIcon.options.iconAnchor = [20, -10]
} else {
divIcon.options.iconAnchor = [25, -10]
return divIcon;
// 获取文字的颜色
getLableColor(online, warning) {
let color = 'device-white'; //"#fff";
if (online) {
if (warning) {
color = 'device-orange'; //"#fbc902"; //橙黄(警告)
} else {
color = 'device-green'; //"#0bff3a"; //绿色(在线)
} else {
color = 'device-white'; //"#fff"; //白色(默认/离线)
return color;
// 点击事件
markerClick(e) {
const that = this;
const key = e.sourceTarget._leaflet_id;
const clickItem = that._markers[key];
that.$ownerInstance.callMethod('mapMarkerClickHandler', clickItem.item);
if (clickItem.item.device) {
for (var rkey in that._markers) {
if (that._markers[rkey].select) {
const clickedIcon = that.creatMapIcon(that._markers[rkey].item.type, false);
that._markers[rkey].select = false;
if (key == rkey) {
const clickedIcon = that.creatMapIcon(that._markers[rkey].item.type, true);
that._markers[rkey].select = true;
// 更新设备的状态
updateMarkerColor(e) {
if (this._device[e.key]) {
const markerId = this._device[e.key]["markerId"]; //标签的id
const marker = this._markers[markerId];
if (marker) {
const dIcon = that.creatLabel(marker.item.showName, e.online, e.warning);
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