2025-02-22 19:36:28 +08:00

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Raw Permalink Blame History

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<z-paging ref="paging" @query="queryList" v-model="dataList" :auto-show-system-loading="true"
<template #top>
<custom-nav-bar :left="true" title="设备运维"></custom-nav-bar>
<!-- <view class="search">
<uni-forms ref="form" labelWidth="0px">
<uni-forms-item label="" name="">
<custom-land-tree :defaultLand="land" @change="handleTreeChange"
style="width: 100%;float: left;margin-right: 2px;"></custom-land-tree>
</view> -->
<view class="card">
<uni-collapse v-if="dataList.length">
<!-- 基站 -->
<uni-collapse-item title-border="none" :border="false" v-if="dataList[0]">
<template v-slot:title>
<view class="cards-title">
<view class="text">基站</view>
<view class="content">
<view class="cards-content" v-for="item in dataList[0]">
<view class="card card-grey">
<view class="cards-title">
<view>{{ item.deviceCode}}</view>
<uni-tag class="bg-green" :circle="true" text="在线"
v-if="dc.dataObj[item.deviceCode]?.online" />
<uni-tag class="bg-red" :circle="true" text="离线" v-else />
<view class="right">
<u-button type="success" size="mini" text="刷新"
@click="dc.refreshDeviceItem(item.deviceCode, item)" />
<view class="cards-content">
<view class="txt-list">
<view class="list2">
<view style="width: 70%;">
{{ dataObj[item.deviceCode]?.sv || item.softVer}}
{{ dataObj[item.deviceCode]?.dv || item.deviceVersion}}
<view style="width: 30%;">
<text>频段:</text>{{ dataObj[item.deviceCode]?.lf || item.rolaFrequency}}
<view class="btn-grid">
<!-- <u-button type="primary" size="normal" text="更换基站" @click="changeStation(item)"
disabled /> -->
<u-button type="primary" size="normal" text="下发列表"
v-hasPermi="['iot:dev-ops:gvl']" @click="sendTopoList(item)" />
<u-button type="primary" size="normal" text="修改频段"
v-hasPermi="['iot:dev-ops:slf']" @click="SLF(item)" />
<u-button type="primary" size="normal" text="获取配置"
v-hasPermi="['iot:dev-ops:gsc']" @click="getStationConfig(item)" />
<!-- <u-button type="primary" size="normal" text="压力校准"
@click="pressureCalibrationTopo(item)" disabled /> -->
<u-button type="primary" size="normal" text="重启"
@click="restartStation(item)" />
<u-button type="primary" v-hasPermi="['iot:dev-ops:valve']"
子设备<u-badge type="success" max="999" :value="item.topoCount" />
<u-button type="primary" size="normal" text="基站升级"
v-hasPermi="['iot:dev-ops:upgradeStation']" @click="upgradeStation(item)" />
<!-- <u-button type="primary" size="normal" text="阀门升级"
@click="upgradeTopoValve(item)" disabled /> -->
<!-- 蝶阀 -->
<uni-collapse-item title-border="none" :border="false" v-if="dataList[1]">
<template v-slot:title>
<view class="cards-title">
<view class="text">蝶阀</view>
<view class="content"></view>
<!-- 4G阀门 -->
<uni-collapse-item title-border="none" :border="false" v-if="dataList[2]">
<template v-slot:title>
<view class="cards-title">
<view class="text">4G阀门</view>
<view class="content">
<view class="cards-content" v-for="item in dataList[2]">
<view class="card card-grey">
<view class="cards-title">
<view>{{ item.device.deviceCode}}</view>
<uni-tag class="bg-green" :circle="true" text="在线"
v-if="dc.dataObj[item.device.deviceCode]?.online" />
<uni-tag class="bg-red" :circle="true" text="离线" v-else />
<view class="right">
<u-button type="success" size="mini" text="刷新"
@click="dc.refreshDeviceItem(item.device.deviceCode, item)" />
<view class="cards-content">
<view class="txt-list">
<view class="list2">
<view style="width: 60%;">
{{ dataObj[item.device.deviceCode]?.sv || item.device.softVer}}
{{ dataObj[item.device.deviceCode]?.dv || item.device.deviceVersion}}
<view style="width: 40%;">
<text>信号强度:</text>{{ dc.dataObj[item.device.deviceCode]?.comm.rssi || '-' }}
<view style="width: 60%;">
<text>电量:</text>{{ dc.dataObj[item.device.deviceCode]?.adc.b || '-' }}%
<view style="width: 40%;">
<text>压力:</text>{{ dc.dataObj[item.device.deviceCode]?.adc.p || '-' }}
<view class="btn-grid">
<!-- <u-button type="primary" size="normal" text="获取配置"
@click="getValve4Config(item.device)" disabled /> -->
<u-button type="primary" size="normal" text="重启"
@click="restartValve4(item.device)" />
<u-button type="primary" size="normal" text="升级"
@click="upgradeValve4(item.device)" />
<!-- <u-button type="primary" size="normal" text="压力校准"
@click="pressureCalibrationValve4(item.device)" disabled />
<u-button type="primary" size="normal" text="压力查询"
@click="pressureSelect(item.device)" disabled /> -->
<!-- 墒情 -->
<uni-collapse-item title-border="none" :border="false" v-if="dataList[3]">
<template v-slot:title>
<view class="cards-title">
<view class="text">墒情</view>
<view class="content">
<view class="cards-content" v-for="item in dataList[3]">
<view class="card card-grey">
<view class="cards-title">
<view>{{ item.name }}</view>
<view class="right">
<u-button type="success" size="mini" text="刷新"
@click="dc.refreshDeviceItem(item.deviceCode, item)" />
<view class="cards-content">
<view class="txt-list">
<view class="list2">
<view style="width: 100%">
<view style="width: 100px;">
<text>层数:</text>{{ item.floors }}
<view style="width: calc(100% - 100px);">
<text>深度:</text>{{ item.depth }}
<view class="btn-grid">
<u-button type="primary" size="normal" text="墒情配置"
@click="editMp(item)" />
<u-button type="primary" size="normal" text="升级" @click="upgrade" />
<!-- 施肥机 -->
<uni-collapse-item title-border="none" :border="false" v-if="dataList[4]">
<template v-slot:title>
<view class="cards-title">
<view class="text">施肥机</view>
<view class="content">
<view class="cards-content" v-for="item in dataList[4]">
<view class="card card-grey">
<view class="cards-title">
<view>{{ item.deviceCode }}</view>
<uni-tag class="bg-green" :circle="true" text="在线"
v-if="item.status == 'online'" />
<uni-tag class="bg-red" :circle="true" text="离线" v-else />
<view class="right">
<!-- <u-button type="success" size="mini" text="刷新"
@click="dc.refreshDeviceItem(item.deviceCode, item)" /> -->
<view class="cards-content">
<view class="txt-list">
<view class="list2">
<view style="width: 100%;">
<view class="btn-grid">
<u-button type="primary" size="normal" text="施肥机配置" />
<u-button type="primary" size="normal" text="升级" @click="upgrade" />
<!-- 气象站 -->
<uni-collapse-item title-border="none" :border="false" v-if="dataList[5]">
<template v-slot:title>
<view class="cards-title">
<view class="text">气象站</view>
<view class="content">
<view class="cards-content" v-for="item in dataList[5]">
<view class="card card-grey">
<view class="cards-title">
<view>{{ item.deviceCode }}</view>
<uni-tag class="bg-green" :circle="true" text="在线"
v-if="item.data && item.data.items.s.value == 'online'" />
<uni-tag class="bg-red" :circle="true" text="离线" v-else />
<view class="right">
<!-- <u-button type="success" size="mini" text="刷新"
@click="dc.refreshDeviceItem(item.deviceCode, item)" /> -->
<view class="cards-content">
<view class="txt-list">
<view class="list2" v-if="item.data && item.data.items">
<view style="width: 100%;">
<view style="width: 50%;">
<text>风力:</text>{{ item.data.items.wc.value || "-" }}级
<view style="width: 50%;">
<text>风速:</text>{{ item.data.items.ws.value || "-" }}m/s
<view style="width: 50%;">
<text>风向:</text>{{ item.data.items.wd.value || "-" }}
<view style="width: 50%;">
<text>大气压:</text>{{ item.data.items.p.value || "-" }}MPa
<view style="width: 50%;">
<text>空气温度:</text>{{ item.data.items.t.value || "-" }}℃
<view style="width: 50%;">
<text>空气湿度:</text>{{ item.data.items.h.value || "-" }}%
<view style="width: 50%;">
<text>光照:</text>{{ item.data.items.liy.value || "-" }}Lux
<view style="width: 50%;">
<text>当前雨量:</text>{{ item.data.items.rt.value || "-" }}mm
<view style="width: 50%;">
<text>瞬时雨量:</text>{{ item.data.items.ri.value || "-" }}mm
<view style="width: 50%;">
<text>累计雨量:</text>{{ item.data.items.r.value || "-" }}mm
<view class="btn-grid">
<u-button type="primary" size="normal" text="采集频率"
@click="qxzSetConfig(item)" />
<u-button type="primary" size="normal" text="升级" @click="upgrade" />
<!-- 虫情 -->
<uni-collapse-item title-border="none" :border="false" v-if="dataList[6]">
<template v-slot:title>
<view class="cards-title">
<view class="text">虫情</view>
<view class="content">
<view class="cards-content" v-for="item in dataList[6]">
<view class="card card-grey">
<view class="cards-title">
<view>{{ item.deviceCode }}</view>
<uni-tag class="bg-green" :circle="true" text="在线"
v-if="item.status == 'online'" />
<uni-tag class="bg-red" :circle="true" text="离线" v-else />
<view class="right">
<view v-if="item.data && item.data.items">
{{ item.data.items.m.value == "1" ? "自动" : "手动" }}
<view class="cards-content">
<view class="txt-list" v-if="item.data && item.data.items">
<view class="list2">
<view style="width: 100%;">
<view style="width: 50%;">
{{ item.data.items.rs ? (item.data.items.rs.value == "0" ? "无雨" : "降雨"): "-" }}
<view style="width: 50%;">
{{ item.data.items.il ? (item.data.items.il.value || "-"): "-" }}Lux
<view class="txt-list">
<view class="list2" v-if="item.data && item.data.items">
<view style="width: 50%;">
<text>诱虫灯:</text>{{ item.data.items.aw.value === '1' ? '打开' : '关闭' }}
<view style="width: 50%;">
<text>震动装置:</text>{{ item.data.items.sk.value === '1' ? '打开' : '关闭' }}
<view style="width: 50%;">
<text>虫雨挡板:</text>{{ item.data.items.rf.value === '1' ? '打开' : '关闭' }}
<view style="width: 50%;">
<text>补光灯:</text>{{ item.data.items.fl.value === '1' ? '打开' : '关闭' }}
<view style="width: 50%;">
<text>杀虫挡板:</text>{{ item.data.items.wf.value === '1' ? '打开' : '关闭' }}
<view style="width: 50%;">
<text>杀虫控制:</text>{{ item.data.items.itc.value === '1' ? '打开' : '关闭' }}
<view style="width: 50%;">
<text>烘干挡板:</text>{{ item.data.items.df.value === '1' ? '打开' : '关闭' }}
<view style="width: 50%;">
<text>烘干控制:</text>{{ item.data.items.d.value === '1' ? '打开' : '关闭' }}
<view style="width: 50%;">
<text>移虫装置:</text>{{ item.data.items.mw.value === '1' ? '打开' : '关闭' }}
<view class="btn-grid">
<u-button type="primary" size="normal" text="运行模式" @click="cqRunModel(item)" />
<u-button type="primary" size="normal" text="升级" @click="upgrade" />
<!-- 农事活动采集仪 -->
<uni-collapse-item title-border="none" :border="false" v-if="dataList[7]">
<template v-slot:title>
<view class="cards-title">
<view class="text">农事活动采集仪</view>
<view class="content">
<view class="cards-content" v-for="item in dataList[7]">
<view class="card card-grey">
<view class="cards-title">
<view>{{ item.deviceCode }}</view>
<uni-tag class="bg-green" :circle="true" text="在线"
v-if="item.status == 'online'" />
<uni-tag class="bg-red" :circle="true" text="离线" v-else />
<view class="right">
<!-- <u-button type="success" size="mini" text="刷新"
@click="dc.refreshDeviceItem(item.deviceCode, item)" /> -->
<view class="cards-content">
<view class="txt-list">
<view class="list2">
<!-- <view style="width: 50%;">
<text>层数:</text>{{ item.floors }}
<view style="width: 50%;">
<text>深度:</text>{{ item.depth }}
</view> -->
<view class="btn-grid">
<u-button type="primary" size="normal" text="定时抓拍" />
<u-button type="primary" size="normal" text="定时录像" />
<!-- 多光谱苗情监测仪 -->
<uni-collapse-item title-border="none" :border="false" v-if="dataList[8]">
<template v-slot:title>
<view class="cards-title">
<view class="text">多光谱苗情监测仪</view>
<view class="content">
<view class="cards-content" v-for="item in dataList[8]">
<view class="card card-grey">
<view class="cards-title">
<view>{{ item.deviceCode }}</view>
<uni-tag class="bg-green" :circle="true" text="在线"
v-if="item.status == 'online'" />
<uni-tag class="bg-red" :circle="true" text="离线" v-else />
<view class="right">
<!-- <u-button type="success" size="mini" text="刷新"
@click="dc.refreshDeviceItem(item.deviceCode, item)" /> -->
<view class="cards-content">
<view class="txt-list">
<view class="list2">
<!-- <view style="width: 50%;">
<text>层数:</text>{{ item.floors }}
<view style="width: 50%;">
<text>深度:</text>{{ item.depth }}
</view> -->
<view class="btn-grid">
<u-button type="primary" size="normal" text="定时抓拍" />
<u-button type="primary" size="normal" text="定时录像" />
<!-- 修改基站频段 -->
<custom-popup ref="frequencyRef" :title="rolaFrequency.item?.deviceCode" :footer="true"
<view class="jz-info" style="width: 80vw;padding: 10px;">
<uni-forms ref="baseForm" style="padding-top: 10px;">
<uni-forms-item label="原频段" required>
<uni-data-select v-model="rolaFrequency.old" :localdata="rolaFrequency.range" :clear="false" />
<uni-forms-item label="新频段" required>
<uni-data-select v-model="rolaFrequency.new" :localdata="rolaFrequency.range" :clear="false" />
<!-- 气象站配置 -->
<custom-popup ref="qxzRef" title="气象站配置" :footer="true" @confirm="qxzConfigHandler">
<view class="jz-info" style="width: 80vw;padding: 10px;">
<uni-forms ref="baseForm" style="padding-top: 10px;">
<uni-forms-item label="采集间隔(m)" required label-width="100px">
<uni-number-box v-model="qxz.intervalTime" :width="120" />
import plugins from "@/plugins";
import * as DevOpsApi from "@/api/dev-ops/index.js"
import * as deviceConfig from "@/api/dev-ops/deviceConfig.js"
import {
} from "@/api/controlHeadInterface.js"
export default {
data() {
return {
land: null,
landId: null,
dataList: [],
dc: getApp().dc, // 设备控制公共代码
dataObj: {},
topics: [],
rolaFrequency: {
item: null,
old: null,
new: null,
range: [],
qxz: {
item: null,
intervalTime: 10
onLoad(par) {
// 频段
let list = [];
for (let i = 410; i < 491; i++) {
let lfObj = {
value: i,
text: i.toString()
this.rolaFrequency.range = list;
const that = this;
getApp().on("mqtt", "mqtt_devOps_station", function(e) {
if (e.type == "state") {
// that.mqttConnected = e.connected;
} else if (e.type == "msg") {
if (e.topic.includes("jsy/iot/deviceConfig/1/")) {
const arr = e.topic.split("/");
const deviceCode = arr[4];
let obj = that.dataObj[deviceCode] || {};
if (e.data.type == "gsc") {
obj = Object.assign(obj, {
dv: e.data.data.dv,
sv: e.data.data.sv,
lf: e.data.data.lf,
if (e.data.type == "lf") {
obj = Object.assign(obj, {
lf: e.data.data,
that.dataObj[deviceCode] = obj;
// 监听刷新数据
uni.$on("reload-type", (e) => {
DevOpsApi.getList(that.landId).then(res => {
console.error("res:", res);
if (e == "mp") {
that.dataList[3] = res.data[e];
mounted() {},
onUnload() {
getApp().off("mqtt", "mqtt_devOps_station")
methods: {
// 设置地块
setQueryParams(e) {
if (e) {
this.land = e || null;
this.landId = e.id;
} else {
this.land = null;
this.landId = -1;
// 地块选择
handleTreeChange(e) {
queryList(pageNo, pageSize) {
DevOpsApi.getList(this.landId).then(res => {
// console.error("res:", res);
let data = [];
data.push(res.data.station || []);
data.push(res.data.butterflyValve || []);
if (res.data.valve) {
let valve = [];
res.data.valve.forEach(item => {
if (item.device.deviceTypeId == 3) {
data.push(valve || []);
} else {
data.push(res.data.mp || []);
data.push(res.data.other4 || []);
data.push(res.data.other6 || []);
data.push(res.data.other7 || []);
data.push(res.data.other9 || []);
data.push(res.data.other15 || []);
let hasData = false;
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
if (data[i].length) {
hasData = true;
if (!hasData) {
data = [];
let topicRow = [];
topicRow = topicRow.concat(res.data.station || []);
topicRow = topicRow.concat(res.data.butterflyValve || []);
topicRow = topicRow.concat(res.data.valve || []);
mqttSubscribes(rows) {
if (rows && rows.length) {
let topics = [];
let topic = "jsy/iot/deviceConfig";
rows.forEach((x, index) => {
let item = x?.device || x;
this.topics = topics;
/************************************************** 基站 **************************************************/
// 更换基站
changeStation(item) {
console.error("更换基站:", item);
// 下发列表
sendTopoList(item) {
plugins.modal.confirm(`下发列表`).then(() => {
DevOpsApi.gvl(item.deviceCode).then(res => {
}).catch(() => {});
// 修改频段
SLF(item) {
this.rolaFrequency.item = item;
this.rolaFrequency.old = item.rolaFrequency;
this.rolaFrequency.new = item.rolaFrequency;
// 获取配置
getStationConfig(item) {
plugins.modal.confirm(`获取配置`).then(() => {
DevOpsApi.gsc(item.deviceCode).then(res => {
}).catch(() => {});
// 压力校准
pressureCalibrationTopo(item) {
console.error("压力校准:", item);
// 重启
restartStation(item) {
plugins.modal.confirm(`重启"${item.deviceCode}"`).then(() => {
DevOpsApi.resetStationDevice(item.deviceCode).then(res => {
}).catch(() => {});
// 子设备
topoDevice(item) {
url: '/pages/dev-ops/valve?station=' + JSON.stringify(item)
// 升级
upgradeStation(item) {
plugins.modal.confirm(`升级"${item.deviceCode}"到"${item.newVersionName}"版本?`).then(() => {
DevOpsApi.upgradeStation(item.deviceCode, item.newDeviceVersionId).then(res => {
}).catch(() => {});
// 设备升级
upgradeTopoValve(item) {
console.error("设备升级:", item);
/************************************************** 基站接口 **************************************************/
loraFrequencyHandler(e) {
if (!e) {
// if (this.rolaFrequency.item.rolaFrequency == this.rolaFrequency.rolaFrequency) {
// plugins.modal.msg("新旧频段不能相同!")
// return;
// }
let msg = `您确定要修改【${this.rolaFrequency.item.deviceCode }】的频段为【${this.rolaFrequency.new}】?`;
plugins.modal.confirm(msg).then(() => {
deviceCode: this.rolaFrequency.item.deviceCode,
oldFrequency: this.rolaFrequency.old,
newFrequency: this.rolaFrequency.new
}).then(res => {
}).catch(() => {
this.pop.rolaFrequency = true;
/************************************************** 4G阀门 **************************************************/
// 获取配置
getValve4Config(item) {
console.error("获取配置:", item);
// 重启
restartValve4(item) {
plugins.modal.confirm(`重启"${item.deviceCode}"`).then(() => {
DevOpsApi.reset4GDevice(item.deviceCode).then(res => {
}).catch(() => {});
// 设备升级
upgradeValve4(item) {
plugins.modal.confirm(`升级"${item.deviceCode}"到"${item.newVersionName}"版本?`).then(() => {
DevOpsApi.upgradeValve4G(item.deviceCode, item.newDeviceVersionId).then(res => {
}).catch(() => {});
// 压力校准
pressureCalibrationValve4(item) {
console.error("压力校准:", item);
// 压力查询
pressureSelect(item) {
console.error("压力查询:", item);
/************************************************** 墒情 **************************************************/
editMp(item) {
url: '/pages/dev-ops/editMp?id=' + item.id
/************************************************** 气象站 **************************************************/
qxzSetConfig(item) {
deviceConfig.getConfig(item.deviceCode).then(res => {
if (res.data) {
this.qxz = res.data.data;
this.qxz.item = item;
qxzConfigHandler(e) {
if (e) {
const data = {
key: this.qxz.item.deviceCode,
data: {
intervalTime: this.qxz.intervalTime
deviceConfig.setConfig(data).then(res => {
/************************************************** 虫情 **************************************************/
cqRunModel(item) {
if (!item.data || !item.data.items.m || item.data.items.m.value == "offline") {
let m = item.data.items.m.value == 1 ? 0 : 1;
plugins.modal.confirm(`切换运行模式为"${(m == 1 ? "自动" : "手动" )}"`).then(() => {
let par = {
controlKey: "m",
deviceTypeId: 7,
operationType: 11,
deviceCode: item.deviceCode,
controlValve: m
controlHeadSwitch(par).then(res => {
item.data.items.m.value = m;
}).catch(() => {});
/************************************************** 公共 **************************************************/
// 升级
upgrade() {
// 关闭弹出层
close() {
for (var key in this.pop) {
this.pop[key] = false;
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